Specialties: Small Businesses, Restaurants, Construction, Healthcare, Retail, & Real Estate
Qualifications: President of 104 location business in 4 states with 2200 employees. Doubled the size of the business before selling.
Qualifications: Bought, sold & financed numerous small businesses for myself, owner/operators and investors.

Small Business Consulting
Consulting for Private Businesses
Our consulting services can help businesses expand, generate higher revenue, explore new strategies, and gain a competitive edge in the market. Here are some reasons why it’s important with solutions:
Expertise and Guidance: We provide expert advice and guidance to business owners, specializing in various areas such as sales, site selection, and people resources.
Problem Solving: Our consultants identify problems (with your input) within your business and propose solutions. We can spot inefficiencies, gaps, and areas for improvement.
Strategic Planning: We assist in creating business plans, marketing strategies, and personnel deployment.
Sales Building by Aligning Compensation & Training
Clearly communicating the company's sales goals, products, and customer's needs, along with rewarding success through compensation systems designed to reward hitting the company's goal. Offsite or corporate retreat gatherings can be instrumental to moving sales higher and for the products and services targeted by the company.
Growth Planning by Geography & Strategically
We conduct market analytics to determine the best geographic growth and real estate decisions for your company. This is complex process to determine next locations to align with your geographic team resources, travel distances, but importantly knowing where to be serve and mine for new customers.
Team Building and Offsite Retreat Facilitator
Leading your team with a Third Party facilitator. Assembling your team with a trained facilitator pays great dividends for communicating new ideas and products or simply working to get everyone 'pulling in the same direction.
HR Practices & Risk Assessments along with Team Asset Deployment
We all know and understand that your team associates are your most valuable assets of the company. It is important to have everyone on the 'same page'. Best HR practices are critical to mitigating potential risks and EEOC claims that can multiply or damage your brand. Effective HR can engage your team and communicate to the their importance to their success and the success of the company.
As a member of Tennessee Business Brokers, Jim follows our disciplined process for selling your business and communicates to you throughout the journey to success. As members of the IBBA (International Business Brokers Association) you can be assured that we conduct our business with the highest ethical industry standards and maintain strict confidentiality. Selling your business is but one chapter in your journey of wealth building and business ownership. This journey starts years earlier and extends many more beyond.